
Thursday, May 17, 2012

This Month in Science #10

This month in science we did many things. First we were shown different videos on human impact on our environment, and that's what started the Human Impact Campaign.  With our teacher we talked about it and we talk about how we would be separated into 4 groups, water, waste, transportation, and energy.  We were allowed to pick the group we wanted to be in, and I chose transportation. The first thing we did was make up questions on how people affect the environment, and how much they use transportation. Then with those questions we picked the 3 best questions and made them into n online survey.  Everyday we had to go on our Gmail and take the survey on how many times we took the train that day. Then we did our first experiment on energy where we tested different electrical object and record their voltage in watts and kilowatts. With the recorded data in both kilowatts and watts we found the average for each object and made a line graph. Also then we were given articles based on transportation (my group) impact. We had to read and analyze the article, then post up a blog explain about what we read. One of the coolest things that happen this month was that some people from this human impact group came and talked to us about different posters that we were going to make and put around for people to see.  We also were told that with those posters we were going to make a campaign.  In that campaign we came up with a slogan and a cool picture we made up and they explained to us the importance that people are aware of these environmental problems. Then next day my teacher David told us that with those designs we were going to make T-shirts. We never got to make them though.  These people came in and saw our designs, they helped us improve them.

This month in science I learned a number of things.  One thing I learned was that people in New York can be either really friendly or just plain rude.  I also learned that there is a grave importance to the impact on our environment and who acutally care and who doesn't.  Another thing is that making Designs  that people have to catch someone's eye is a bit difficult but fun!

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