This week in science we did many things. On Monday we talked about things organisms need to survive like ourselves, and we were told that we would be observing crickets for the week. David told us to search up 10 things crickets need to survive. Also we wrote questions about what crickets would prefer in there tanks. On Wednesday we talked about the cricket's behavior toward different things put in their tank. Each group of 4 received 2 tanks of crickets. The tanks were divided in half and half of the tank had damp paper towels and the other half had dry paper towels. We were also given a mission challenge to help us record the crickets different behaviors toward the paper towels. We timed ourselves while recording their movement, I thought it was really interesting how they responded. Thursday we had another mission challenge and had to classify different jelly beans into different groups using a Dichotomous Key. Two people from my group were not here so it was only 2 people in the group, it was still fun.
This week in science we learned many things. For example I learned many facts about crickets like: crickets are omnivores and scavengers who feed on organic materials, they need to communicate with each other by sound, scent, and touch, they eat fruit, nectar, small insects, and leaves, and also that they need warmth. Those facts interested me the most. I also learned that crickets like a habitat that is a little damp and warm. Another thing is that, I learned before about a Dichotomous Key but i didn't remember how to use one, I learned how to use and make to forms of a Dichotomous Key. The final thing I learned was that Jelly Belly jelly beans have some really odd names.
There's some good facts on snippetfact about crickets if you're interested or feel like contributing to promote your blog.